The New Forex Trading Paradigm That Wealthy Traders Use To Beat The Market Day after Day… The Forex market can't be cracked with one strategy alone. This single-strategy mindset may win for a few sessions but will ultimately break down when the market throws a curve. Instead… You need to adopt a "Profit Average Strategy" paradigm. This paradigm uses tested strategies combined with precise, fast, and reliable technology to deconstruct the market and pounce on profit opportunities. With a Profit Average Strategy, you can trade in any currency market, with any currency pair, at any time. You can dramatically boost your profit potential because you can select the right strategy for any situation. All you need is the right EA! Always we are here to support you . 1. What is Forex? The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a worldwide decentralized over-the-counter financial market for the trading of currencies. The foreign exchange market is the largest a...